Ryan shares how client companies get impacted through his unique people/culture Development Process.
After 50 years of participating on teams...Ryan helps leaders reveal, rescue and re-energize their cultures by introducing agile-change- language and influencing team mindsets.
Click here to contact Ryan to start a conversation...
around increasing the performance of your people and teams.

Leadership – Culture – High Performance - Team
Development Session
A trainer that I know described Leadership & People Development as feeding or helping develop the ROOT of the organization. As we know, ROOT development is not easy to measure and goes un-noticed until we sense that something is wrong, results decrease, or the business culture gets unhealthy.
The FRUIT of the organization is what we measure. The success of the FRUIT always (long-term) gets nourished from the health of the ROOT.
What we are focused on inside this training process is to help your leaders continue to develop their INNER GAME… their ability to change, who they want to become, their leadership capacity…in order to increase the FRUIT of their personal lives and the life of your company.
Our training process will start by going deep into the INNER GAME with our new Thinking Tendencies Model. This core training element and new language will create a powerful foundation for leading your business and growing cultural teams.
Speaking of team… as you know I have played on some-kind-of-team for over 50 seasons now. Professional sports teams and business teams have many performance principles in common. Teams need to continually build trust! Resilient teams must constantly work on generating a “good feel” and build the “emotional permission” (enhancing personal accountability.)
Great teams develop and continue to increase their performance consistency by generating positive momentum (generating or exceeding the 3 to 1 ratio.) During our session’s together we will in a fun and energizing way explore opportunities for your leaders to apply each of these principles in your business.
Our foundational training will deep dive into what sports calls the INNER GAME and share best practices around how to identify and coach this winning process.
Our premise for starting deeper during this leadership/team day is illustrated in our Performance Ladder. We believe that your people’s mindset influences the personal and their cultural belief system, that informs the actions, that creates the habits that deliver our team results.
Proposed Leadership/Performance
Training Elements
1rst Full-Day Session Full-Day Session
1- Leading High Performing - Resilient People & Teams
NHL Insights into Team Performance
Connecting the Sports metaphor to life and business
2-Exploring the INNER GAME (Where performance lives)
Performance / Resilience Process
Belief System – why do some people consistently perform
Self-image- the key to growth
3-Key Foundation- Thinking Tendencies Model
(Generating personal awareness around Mindset & choice)
The 5 Mindsets we Drift or Shift into
Understanding the concepts of SHIFTING ENERGY
Identifying how to personally and culturally SHIFT
5-Flow Zone- How to increase your people’s best work FLOW!
Fade, Flow and Frazzel zones
Teaching FLOW – Focusing on protecting Flow
Recognizing FLOW
6-Increasing Energy by optimizing TEAM Communication
A/B game debriefed
How is our team’s “Tapping-In?”
Flushing out the “UNSAID” to increase resilience