Welcome friends! We would like to invite you to experience our world-class leadership development training as a guest of Ian Bell!
As mentioned in the above video, Ryan utilizes the following 4 Training Sessions to add huge value to you as members. We grow your leadership capacity... and the leadership capacity of your people!
Also, In-Person training is always best but I have just successfully delivered over 250 * 3-hr Training Sessions over Zoom. This process works great with our powerful content and stories, covid is not going to slow us down! This is the time to energize your people and your teams!
The 4 Key 3-hour Training Sessions that I deliver!
"Leading the SHIFT!"
Navigating the 6 Mindsets of Performance Resilience.
Focusing your mind on what YOU Want, Intentional Leadership.
"Coaching the SHIFT"
Coaching the language and energy of the 6 Mindset Model.
"Team SHIFT"
How is your team-energy? Building Leadership Capacity throughout your team.
"Player Performance SHIFT"
Leading High-Performance in your people. Building Leadership Capacity.
More info below.
Team Culture - Tomorrow's CULTURE Turns on Today's LANGUAGE
Leading Teams - The Six Mindsets of Team! - Deeper Awareness for Effective Leaders
Increasing Energy - Leading Performance ENERGY! - Workers Focus on TIME, Winners Focus on ENERGY
Leading Change - Leading the SHIFT - Increasing Resilience, Activating Agility
Personal Performance - Activating HUNGRY - Discovering Purpose and Passion
(He has now spoken to over 3500 CEOs & Executives)
Entertaining Stories from inside NHL Dressing Rooms & Corporate Boardrooms
Ryan shares inside anecdotes from his 15 season as an NHL player, 2 more as a coach, and post-NHL career in broadcasting, business, movies and more, that inspire as they entertain!
Team Stories
Ryan's team journey of over 50 years
Ryan’s “Worst trade in NHL History”
Great teammates from Guy Lafleur to Trevor Lindon
Team Culture turns on Language
Influencing Team
Stanley Cup - from Dysfunction to Destiny in just over 100 days
Great Owners - A story of winning language
Coaching/Leadership Stories
Ryan's coaching journey of over 50 years
Tom McVie - talented players not playing hard
Scotty Bowman on how to win
Ryan's Role as President/CEO of an AHL Team
Pat Quinn, the great contrarian: "Coaches don't lose the room!"
Dave King - Communication and "Carriers”
Fred Shero's take on Influence
Mark Crawford- activating Risk Reversal
How Jacques Lemaire bumped my slump
Minor Hockey - Coaching with Values
Resilience Stories
Ryan's 16 year-old Knee
Stanley Cup - The rest of the story
Scotty Bowman, Tiger Woods, and Flow
Pat Quinn - is there an "I" in TEAM?
Dave King Turning Conflict into Connection
How to SHIFT to a Resilient Mindset
Tomorrow's CULTURE Furns on Today's LANGUAGE
Come to work or come to WIN?
Inside a losing dressing room
Inside a winning dressing room
The 5 Mindsets that reveal the 5 Language Types in your Culture
All culture runs on rumours
What differentiates a professional players from amateur players?
Culture turns on Conversations
Culture SHIFT or Culture Drift?
The Six Mindsets of Team! - Deeper Awareness for Effective Leaders
Great leaders lead Metacognition (getting their people to think about their thinking)
Discovering 5 thinking types that run Team Culture
The 5 Mindsets that reveal the 5 Language Types
Culture runs on conversations
Activating the SHIFT
Preventing the Drift
Influencing culture through language
Leading Performance ENERGY! - Workers Focus on TIME, Winners Focus on ENERGY
Ryan's performance journey
The defining moment - blowing a knee at 16
Leading Time or Leading Energy?
Learning Resilience
The Montreal Canadiens and Mental Toughness
Understanding what drives ENERGY
The HEART & MIND sides of Performance
Leading the SHIFT - Increasing Resilience, Activating Agility
From a Team struggling to winning the Stanley Cup
What I learned from Guy Lafluer
Understanding the Performance Process
SHIFTING mindsets
Building Agile Awareness
Brainstorming what creates HQL - the highest quality of life
Abe Pollin- The story of SHIFTING
Activating HUNGRY - Discovering Personal Purpose and Passion
Key Focus- Key Awareness - Key Discovery = Purpose & Passion
Why do some kids play in the NHL?
Is talent the only reason?
INNER GAME - Intrinsic Motivators, The HEART and MIND of Success
OUTER GAME - Prioritizing Iterative Action
TEAM GAME - Why being a team-player in today's workforce "ROCKS"
Staying HUNGRY is one key factor to an amazing life!